GPGPU for Instruction-Set Simulation – Maybe, Maybe not

I just read a quite interesting article by Christian Pinto et al, “GPGPU-Accelerated Parallel and Fast Simulation of Thousand-core Platforms“, published at the CCGRID 2011 conference. It discusses some work in using a GPGPU to run simulations of massively parallel computers, using the parallelism of the GPU to speed the simulation. Intriguing concept, but the execution is not without its flaws and it is unclear at least from the paper just how well this generalizes, scales, or compares to parallel simulation on a general-purpose multicore machine.

The paper describes a simulation for a network-on-chip based homogeneous system containing a “ARM-subset” ISS instances with local instruction and data caches, some local RAM, and also some shared RAM. Each core runs its own local software load, there is no SMP operating system. All communication between cores is over shared memory, using explicit operations across the NoC. All cores run a single cycle before they check communications from their neighbors.

This last point is crucial to understanding why this is feasible at all – in general, simulating a general shared-memory multiprocessor machine on a shared-memory multiprocessor falls down on the synchronization overhead. If your simulation semantics dictate that you synchronize every cycle anyway, and you do not try to optimize each core simulator, there is clearly decent room for parallel execution. By including the cache, they increase scalability, since there is more work per target cycle that can be run in isolation.

After reading the article, I am impressed by their work – just getting this to work is pretty good work. But there are quite a few questions which are not really answered in the article and which are crucial to understanding just how well GPGPUs could be used for this kind of ISS work.

  • The targeted level of abstraction is a bit confusing. The authors claim it is “instruction accurate and not cycle accurate”, but still simulate caches and cycle-based communications across the NoC. If I read the paper right, communications will take a varying number of cycles depending on the distance for messages to travel. This is more detailed than a typical “instruction accurate” simulator.
  • The target system does not run an OS – that might (but I do not know) be an advantage for their approach, since it probably implies less variation in the instruction flow in cores, potentially enhancing the amount of time that all ISSes in a thread group in the GPU can execute the same instruction. This would seem crucial, as if each ISS was running a totally different program, the instruction execution part of the code would be running serialized.
  • They should really try to run the same kind of simulation on a high-end x86 CPU like an Intel Sandy Bridge with 8 or more hardware threads. I wonder if their scaling might not work just as well there – and with a much faster serial execution engine. This should give  a much more relevant point of comparison for GPU vs CPU execution of the simulator than…
  • the comparison object they use right now, a JIT-accelerated multicore simulation using OVP seems pretty irrelevant since it is not doing the same thing at all. That simulator does not simulate the caches or NoC, just a large number of isolated processors. They also do not run a parallel program on OVP, but rather a large number of single-core fibonacci and dhrystone programs. Thus, the fact that OVP uses a large temporal decoupling time slice does not matter for semantics. It just does not seem like a very relevant comparison point. OVP and their simulator try to solve different problems – fast execution of general code vs. performance profiling of massively parallel machines.
  • As I understand it, the given “S-MIPS” numbers in the evaluation tell us the total number of MIPS that we get out across all target cores. That seems to peak around 2000 – which isn’t necessarily that fantastic if we compare to high-performance ISS work in general where a few GIPS is definitely achievable. It is pretty good considering the level of detail here, though, where i would expect a normal ISS + cache simulator to produce at most a few MIPS. Once again, the authors need to be a bit more precise as to what they compare to what.
  • Not having an MMU and not implementing any interrupts or exceptions in the target machines avoids a large part of the complexity of a real ISS. That complexity might well be too much for the quite rigid execution environment of a GPGPU.
  • They missed that Simics, unique among instruction-accurate mainstream simulators, is parallel since version 4.0.

So, overall, this paper does not really tell us much whether a GPGPU can be used for instruction-set simulation in general. It does tell us that it might be doable, but there are many crucial complications which are not addressed.

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