SCDSource Article: Combining Fast and Detailed Models

I have another opinion piece published over at The title, “Why virtual platforms need cycle-accurate models“, was their creation, not mine, and I think it is a little bit off the main message of the piece.The follow-up discussion is also fairly interesting.

The key thing that I want to get across is that we need virtual platforms where we can spend most of our time executing in a fast, not-very-detailed mode to get the software somewhere interesting. Once we get to the interesting spot, we can then switch to more detailed models to get detailed information about the software behavior and especially its low-level timing. Getting to that point in detailed mode is impossible since it would take too much time.

This is something that computer architecture researchers have been doing for a very long time, just look at how toolsets like SimpleScalar and Simics with the Wisconsin GEMS system use fast mode for “positioning” and more detailed execution for “measurement”. It is also what is now commercial with the Simics Freescale QorIQ P4080 Hybrid virtual platform. Tensilica also have the ability to switch mode in their toolchain.

See an upcoming post for more on how to get at the cycle-accurate models – this was just to point out that that the article is there, for symmetry with previous posts about my articles popping up in places.

One thought on “SCDSource Article: Combining Fast and Detailed Models”

  1. The comments continue to get more interesting. There is one from Free Model Foundry suggesting that a 3rd party can get both cycle accurate at the pins and fast by writing a functional model at a high level of abstraction (which they do in Verilog or VHDL). I suspect that the author may have missed the point as the cycle accurate model you talk about adding to functional simulation is C based which is generally considered higher level than VHDL.

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