S4D Paper on Transporting Bugs with Checkpoints

I have a paper about “Transporting Bugs with Checkpoints” to be presented at the S4D (System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug) conference in Southampton, UK, on September 15 and 16, 2010. The core concept presented is to leverage Simics checkpointing to capture and move a bug from the bug reporter to the responsible developer. It is a fairly simple idea, but getting it to work efficiently does require that some things are done right. See the longer Wind River blog posting about this topic for a few more details.

Wind River Blog: Interview with a Virtualization Researcher

Past Friday, I posted a new blog post in my Wind River blog. It is an interview the PhD student Girish Venkatasubramanian from the University of Florida. He is doing research on virtual machines/hypervisors and how they can be implemented more efficiently by making fairly small changes to the architecture of memory management units.

Continue reading “Wind River Blog: Interview with a Virtualization Researcher”

Multicore is not That Bad

I recently read a couple of articles on multicore that felt a bit like jumping back in time. In IEEE Spectrum, David Patterson at Berkeley’s parallel computing lab brings up the issue of just how hard it is to program in parallel and that this makes the wholesale move to multicore into something like a “hail Mary pass” for the computer industry. In Computer World, Chris Nicols at NICTA in Australia asks what you will do with a hundred cores – implying that there is not much you can do today. While both articles make some good points, I also think they should be taken with a grain of salt. Things are better than they make them seem. Continue reading “Multicore is not That Bad”