The call for papers for the third annual Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC10) is now out! MCC is a nice venue for multicore research about everything from computer design to software and debug. It is fairly informal, but still attracts some good papers and provides good discussions. It is not restricted to Swedish submissions, in 2009 there were several international participants. I gave a keynote talk about multicore and Simics at last year’s MCC, and for this year, I am on the program committee and looking forward to many great submissions to review!
Tag: MCC
MCC 2009 Presentations Online
The presentations from the 2009 Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC 2009) are now online at the program page for the workshop. Let me add some comments on the workshop per se.
MCC 2009: 2D Stream Processing for Manycore
Today here at the MCC 2009 workshop, I heard an interesting talk by David Black-Schaffer of Stanford university. His work is on stream programming for image processing (“2D streams”). Pretty simple basic idea, to use 2D blobs of pixels as kernel inputs rather than single values or vectors. Makes eminent sense for image processing.
Continue reading “MCC 2009: 2D Stream Processing for Manycore”
SiCS Multicore Day 2009
Last Friday, I attended this year’s edition of the SiCS Multicore Day. It was smaller in scale than last year, being only a single day rather than two days. The program was very high quality nevertheless, with keynote talks from Hazim Shafi of Microsoft, Richard Kaufmann of HP, and Anders Landin of Sun. Additionally, there was a mid-day three-track session with research and industry talks from the Swedish multicore community. Continue reading “SiCS Multicore Day 2009”
Swedish Workshop on Multicore 2008: Nov 27-28: CFP!
The first Swedish Workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC) will take place in Ronneby on November 27 and 28, 2008. The call for papers is now out, and it is open until September 26. If you have something cool to present or publish about multicore computing, and happen to be here in Sweden, please do submit an abstract!
Disclosure: I am in the program committee for this event.